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Facebook to allow posts in multiple languages using a homegrown multilingual composer

Jul 4, 2016, 17:23 IST

Social networking site Facebook is now going to let millions of its users to connect with more people around the world, which it aims to do by allowing them to share their posts and comments in several languages.

As per an announcement from Facebook, its developers have built a multilingual composer, which would enable users to compose a single post in one language, but other users will be able to see that post in their preferred language.

The tool is already being tested, and can be enabled by anyone in the test group by going to the Language section of their Account Settings. Even though the composer is available only for desktops as of now, other users can read the multilingual posts across all platforms.
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The feature is called "multilingual composer," and it gives the users liberty to choose additional languages in which they would like the post to be published, which the readers would be able to see.

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