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FOUND: A Feature The Facebook Phone Has That You'll Really Want

Apr 8, 2013, 17:22 IST

FacebookMostly "Facebook Home," the new super-app from Facebook for Android phones, seems like a whole lot of software junk on top of your Android operating system.


But it does come with one really cool feature you'll be jealous of if you don't have it.

When you get a Facebook message on a phone with Home installed, you can respond to that message without leaving the app you were using before.

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That may not seem like a huge deal, but TechCrunch's Josh Constine is convinced this will be the app's selling feature:

Everyone I showed the Facebook Home hands-on video to or described the homescreen replacement app to has fixated on chat multi-tasking, which Facebook has given the silly name of “Chat Heads”. When I showed the Home video to a group of three decidedly non-techie 27-year-old women in Washington, DC, it was Chat Heads that surprised and elated them. It was met with calls of “I want that” and even one “I want to buy that” in regards to the HTC First running Home.


The feature is a true game-changer because I believe we’ll see similar functionality emulated and improved upon in other apps and operating systems. I would be extremely surprised and disappointed if the next version of Apple’s iMessage didn’t have some kind of chat multi-tasking. The same goes for the Google’s rumored unified messaging system that’s supposed to launch at some point in the near future. Hopefully they’ll offer true, simultaneous messaging and other app usage.

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