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Google Has Been Forced To Abandon Its Plan To Build An Insane Office In London

Jan 14, 2015, 18:37 IST

Google has dropped its plan to build a sprawling new office building in the centre of London.


City AM reports that the US tech giant has decided to rent office space in a building across the street from where its giant UK HQ was due to be built.

Google was planning an unusual design for its London office, Techworld reports. Instead of a normal high-rise office building, Google wanted to create a one million square foot "groundscraper" that would have been as long as The Shard is tall.

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Here's a rendering of what Google's building would have looked like:


But Google's ambitious plan for its new London office has been put on hold.

Google has asked its architects to go back to the drawing board and redesign the UK HQ. It had initially wanted to move staff into the new building in 2016, but the date has been pushed back several times. First the new Google building was delayed until 2017, and then Google told Techworld that there is "no target completion date."

Instead of completely abandoning its plan to build a HQ near King's Cross station, Google has instead decided to rent the entirety of 6 Pancras Square, an office block that's due to be completed in 2016.

Here's what Google's new office will look like inside:


It's a huge office in central London

It's not quite what Google had in mind, but it's still an impressive building.

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