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Here are the latest rumors about this year's iPhones - which some Apple insiders are reportedly calling an 'S' year

Aug 27, 2018, 19:02 IST

Hollis Johnson

  • Apple usually launches new iPhones in September.
  • Here are the latest rumors about what Apple could reveal next month.

Apple is likely to launch new iPhones in September, as the Cupertino, California technology giant has done every year since 2012.

Now, we have a clearer view of what to expect, thanks to a Monday report in Bloomberg.

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According to the report, some people inside Apple are calling this year an "S year," referring to Apple's old system of introducing a new design one year and then speed upgrades - the "S year" - the next.

Still, Apple could launch three new iPhone models this September, according to Bloomberg and other reports. All three of the models could have an "iPhone X"-like design, with a screen the covers the entire front of the device except for a cutout for the facial recognition camera, often referred to as a "notch."


  • One of the phones will look like the iPhone X, but it will have internal upgrades, including faster processing and a better camera. The iPhone X currently costs $999.
  • Another will be a new "high-end" large phone, that's about the size of the current iPhone 8 Plus, but with a edge-to-edge screen measuring 6.5-inches. One new software feature for that devices is the ability to use two apps side-by-side, taking advantage of the bigger screen, according to Bloomberg. It's possible that due to the larger screen this device costs even more than $999, but prices haven't been announced yet.
  • Perhaps the best-selling new iPhone model will be a less expensive device, because the current iPhone X costs $1000. This device could use an LCD screen to keep costs down, and could come in multiple colors. Its screen is 6.1-inches and it too could have a cutout for Apple's Face ID camera. Previous estimates suggest this device could be priced closer to $550 and $650.

Apple hasn't announced any of these devices and we still don't know what they will eventually be called.

Other devices that Apple could release as soon as next month include new Apple Watches and a new version of AirPods, the company's wireless earbuds.

We won't know the final details until Apple's annual launch event - which hasn't been announced yet. Business Insider will cover all the announcements live as they happen.

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