Here's How Much You Should Have Saved Up For Retirement By Now


The U.S. ranked a dismal 19th in the 2014 Natixis Global Retirement Index. As it turns out, despite having one of the highest per capita incomes in the world, income inequality and health expenditures are high compared to other countries.


Moreover, the responsibility for financial security is increasingly falling on individuals that have to put money into 401(k) plans or individual retirement accounts (IRAs).

With that in mind we pulled the "retirement savings checkpoint" from JP Morgan Asset Management's 2014 "Guide to Retirement.

This guide suggests that if you're 50 years old and make $100,000 a year, you should have saved $390,000 by now, "assuming you continue annual contributions of 5% going forward."

This is of course a rough guide, but helpful in keeping you on track for your retirement.


retirement savings checkpoint

JP Morgan Asset Management