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Here's What Happens When Older People Try Google Glass For The First Time

Jun 20, 2014, 06:13 IST

Google Glass is often mocked for being too sci-fi or futuristic. The Fine Brothers, known for their comedic YouTube videos, decided to see what one segment thinks of Google Glass: seniors.


Their reactions are phenomenal: "Spaceship 12 calling Earth," "This looks like my hearing aid," and "Looks like a science fiction movie." When asked to sign in to take a photo, one gentlemen asked, "How do I sign in without a pen?"

Richard wasn't quite sure how to put on the device ...

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"That's pretty cool. I don't like it, though."



"I was trying to see if there was something to plug in or download."


"I can hear you in here, where am I hearing you?"



"It's like I'm in a different world all of the sudden. Technology just rolled over me like a big old steam roller."


Watch the full video here:

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