Here's What It's Like To Parachute Into A Baseball Stadium


Padres fans at the 2014 home opener got a special treat when the Navy Parachute Team, the Leap Frogs, landed in the stadium.


The incredible directed jump was filmed via a mounted helmet camera. The Leap Frogs honored the late Jerry Coleman, a Marine Corps veteran and Padres announcer, by flying a special flag with his initials into the stadium.

The Leap Frogs are an all-volunteer team composed of active members in various branches of the Navy. The stated mission of the Leap Frogs is to demonstrate Navy excellence throughout the United States.

Below is a series of screenshots from the video showing what it is like to parachute into the stadium.

You start off by jumping out of the plane backwards.

Navy Leap Frog



After you deploy your chute, you approach your target in a sweeping motion from side to side.

Navy Leap Frog


As you make your way into the stadium, you can start to hear the crowd roaring.

Navy Leap Frog


You will come in quickly, and you will have to literally hit the ground running.

Navy Leap Frog


Once successfully landed, give the mascot a high five.

Navy Leap Frog


Below is the full incredible video showing the parachuting.
