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Here's your first look at the new travel guide app Airbnb is testing

Aug 16, 2016, 19:21 IST

Airbnb co-founders Brian Chesky and Joe GebbiaAirbnb

Airbnb is testing out a new app that will help it expand beyond a home-sharing service.


Now available on the Google Play store, Airbnb Trips is a trip-planning app that creates an itinerary and offers guides of local restaurants, bars, and activities. Even though anyone can download it, Airbnb is still listing it as "unreleased," meaning it's in the testing stages and may contain bugs. The app is not available on the Apple App Store.

In June, Airbnb raised $1 billion in debt financing to help Airbnb expand and develop new services, specifically add-on travel services. The company has previously tested out art gallery tours, personal chefs, and bicycle rentals, which customers have been able to book when they rent a home or reserve a room through Airbnb.

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According to Bloomberg, the initiative has been referred to as "magical trips" and is a priority for the company this year.


"We're continually experimenting with new things and we don't have anything to share right now, but we have a few exciting things in the works," Airbnb spokesman Nick Papas said in an email.

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