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Hillary Clinton doesn't wear a Fitbit

Feb 25, 2015, 05:06 IST


Presumptive 2016 presidential candidate Hilary Clinton isn't buying into the wearables trend.

Clinton was interviewed by Re/Code's Kara Swisher at the Lead On Conference in Santa Clara, California, on Tuesday.

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Most of the conversation was devoted to more heady topics, but at one point Swisher asked whether Clinton was a Fitbit wearer or was holding out for the Apple Watch.

Clinton replied that she'd been given three Fitbits and Jawbones, but she never really took to them. "You can tell I am not doing Fitbit," Clinton reportedly said. "Do I really want something telling me I should do what I know what I should do?"


They also talked about:

  • Women in technology. In a speech preceding the interview, Clinton noted that the percentage of female computer scientists had dropped from 38% in the 1980s to 18% now. She said that she wanted to "unpack" that statistic a little bit to figure out what was going on and how to fix it. She noted that a lot of tech companies have a "Wild West" environment that's not very kind to women.
  • Net neutrality. Clinton said she's in favor of it. Specifically, she agrees with the current proposal that would allow the Federal Communications Commission to use its authority to regulate internet providers the same way they regulate telephone companies, forcing them to treat all internet traffic the same way. "It's a foot in the door. It's a value statement, but it's not the end of the discussion."
  • Edward Snowden and the NSA. She could "never condone" what he did, noting that he "stole millions of documents." But she did say that the NSA needs to be more transparent about what it's doing, saying "People felt betrayed."
  • Her Apple fandom. She owns an iPhone (and a Blackberry, which is standard government-issue for highly secure communications), as well as an iPad and an iPad mini. Apparently, she's not an Android user.
  • When she'll declare. "All in good time." She said she's talking to a lot of people and still has some items to cross off her list before she officially enters the presidential race.

You can read more details on Clinton's appearance over at Re/code>>

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