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If the goal of the new Snapchat emoji best friends thing was to make people hate each other, it worked.

Apr 7, 2015, 22:48 IST

Whenever Snapchat updates, the cries from dedicated users can be heard from every corner of the internet.


This time is no different, as Snapchat yesterday brought back the "Best Friends" feature that allows you (and anyone looking at you're profile) see who you're snapping the most. Those people are your Snapchat Best Friends, and Snapchat did away with the feature a few months ago, insinuating somewhat of a virtual riot on social media.

Now, Best Friends is back, but there's a twist. Emoji are used to depict your relationship with other snappers.

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Here's a basic explainer (h/t Daily Dot) from one of the many teen quotes Twitter accounts:

The Daily Dot questions: "What if the person whom you thought was your best friend actually had the smirk emoji next to your name? What if your significant other has the fire emoji next to his or her ex? What if you have the fire emoji next to your ex?"There's drama in the forecast."My friends and I have already taken screen shots of our friends list and compared," writer Georgia Farquharson admits in a post on a site called ReadUnwritten.com (boasts articles titled "10 Thoughts Every Lazy Girl Has While Working Out" and "Why Having A Sister Is The Worst (But Secretly The Best)."Then comes the 'how come you are best friends with so and so?' or 'you didn't Snapchat me yesterday but you're obviously on a streak with her,'" she continues, "and the accusations continue to be fired.  Let the obsession with Snapchat activity begin all over again."Smart on Snapchat. There's nothing like tapping into that raw human emotion to keep people pawing at your app. Seriously - it works!     

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