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If You're Running A Startup And You Don't Make A Video Like These, You're Stupid

Mar 26, 2013, 18:52 IST

Screenshot/SummlyTwo very young startups called Mailbox and Summly recently sold for millions of dollars.


Storage company Dropbox acquired Orchestra, the company behind Mailbox, earlier this month for a rumored $100 million in cash and stock — merely a few weeks after the email app launched.

Just yesterday, Yahoo acquired two-year-old mobile news startup Summly for a little under $30 million, according to AllThingsD's Kara Swisher, even though the app had generated no revenue.

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But what did these early stage startups have in common that made them so attractive to the big players in the industry?

Neither had very many users. Mailbox had maybe 1.5 million. Summly had fewer than a million.


Neither made any money.

What both had was an awesome video with high-production values to show off their products.

If you're a startup and you don't make a video like these, you are dumb. Check that box!

Here are the videos:


Meet Mailbox from Mailbox on Vimeo.

Summly Launch from Summly on Vimeo.

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