These armless sunglasses use an adjustable cord to stay snug against your face, so they're hard to lose or break when hiking or going out on the water

These armless sunglasses use an adjustable cord to stay snug against your face, so they're hard to lose or break when hiking or going out on the water
Ombraz sunglasses use an adjustable cord that wraps around your head, rather than hinged arms, to stay on.Ombraz

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  • These $140 sunglasses are armless, so there are no hinges to break. You can smash, squish, and even step on them without any damage.
  • Ombraz sunglasses only come in a few styles, but they all have timeless, gender-neutral designs.
  • Because they have an adjustable cord, they're nearly impossible to lose, even while surfing or kayaking.
  • Pre-order on the brand's newest styles is available for $112, which is far less than what you'll pay for shades from brands like Oakely or Smith. You can also buy the Classics on Huckberry or REI.

As an outdoor writer, I'm used to putting clothing and outdoor accessories through their paces. Between hiking, camping, and mountain biking, I'm pretty hard on my gear and usually find myself replacing items like sunglasses, flip flops, and headphones at least once through the summer.

That's why I was so excited to learn about Ombraz sunglasses. I consider myself obsessed with the outdoor-focused shades, which don't have any arms or joints. Rather than having arm hinges that can break or bend when shoved in a pocket or (oops!) accidentally sat on, Ombraz shades have an adjustable rope. The lenses are polarized and scratch-resistant with just a very slight curve, so they're nearly impossible to break. Plus, Ombraz is carbon-neutral, uses recycled materials for the cord and plant-based materials for the frames, and plants 20 trees for every purchase. I feel good about spending money with them.

Friends often ask me where I found these, and I'm always happy to share the good word. They've become my go-to sunglasses for nearly every outdoor sport, and I'll tell you my reasons why.


1. The styles are timeless and come in multiple widths

I have two pairs of Ombraz sunglasses, and I love the way they look. With slightly rounded, large lenses, they have more of a classic sporty vibe (like a pair of Smiths or Oakleys) rather than being super fashion-forward.

Ombraz makes three styles, all of which are gender-neutral. I have the "Classic" in both a narrow and standard frame, and they've just introduced two more: the Dolomite, with rounder lenses, and the more square-shaped Legaro.

Size-wise, I prefer the regular width, but it's not a huge difference. The narrow width pair ends at my cheeks, while the regular extends a bit past the sides of my face. I have a fairly full face, so if your face is roughly the same or larger than mine, you'll probably prefer the regular. If you have a narrow face or prefer your sunglasses a bit on the smaller or more subtle side, opt for the narrow.


2. They're durable and practical

Most reputable companies can make a pair of sunglasses that look good, but I've yet to see one that has made a pair as functional as these. Because the "arms" are instead a flexible cord, they're extremely durable. I've stepped on them and run over them with my bike without issue, and they're easy to slide into a backpack or pocket. I recently took them hiking and stuffed them next to a water bottle, and I didn't have to worry about the arms getting bent or twisted from the tight squeeze.

The cord also allows them to hang around your neck when not in use. It's convenient in changing weather conditions or cloudy days and makes it quite difficult to misplace your shades on hikes or camping trips. I also like them for water sports like paddleboarding or water skiing, where the last thing I want is for my sunglasses to end up at the bottom of a lake. Ombraz won't fall off your neck, and if they accidentally get dropped in the water, don't worry: the included neoprene storage case floats.

The other feature I appreciate is how comfortable they are. Ombraz pairs tighten around the nape of your neck and loop above your ears, so they work with any hairstyle. I've worn them with braids and ponytails or with my long hair down without any problems. They're so comfortable that I can wear them comfortably all day without the pressure headaches I often get from the arms pushing into my temples. Fortunately, no arms mean no problem; I haven't gotten any headaches from wearing these on all-day hikes or kayaking sessions.

There are some downsides, but nothing I consider important

I'm genuinely obsessed with these shades, but they do have a few cons. I think they're all quite minor and worth the compromise, but they're worth noting.


My biggest complaint is that they fog up a bit more than other sunglasses during very intense cardio workouts, like steep uphill mountain biking or intense summer trail runs – not hikes or river floats. I can usually eliminate most of the fogging by making the cord a little looser, and they de-fog quickly if I pull them away from my face for a few seconds.

Read more: I'm trying to create less waste, so I bought sunglasses that come with a repair program and lifetime warranty — here's how they measure up

Ombraz glasses also take a little more effort to put on than regular shades, which I usually slide over my ears one-handed. To don my Ombraz, I pull the loop over my head like a necklace, then pull my hair over the cord. I then pull the lenses over my eyes and tighten the cord so it's mildly snug around my ears. It only takes a few seconds, but it does take two hands, which can make putting them back on a bit of a hassle if your hands are full. It's a minor complaint, but if you're rock climbing or playing tennis, the extra effort may be a dealbreaker.

If you'd rather have a regular pair of sunglasses with excellent eye protection on the water, consider buying from Costa. I have a pair of Costa shades I'm also crazy about, and while they're more expensive, they have a lifetime warranty and are arguably more in line with current style trends.

To gain some of the Ombraz benefits without breaking the bank, consider buying a floating sunglasses cord to use with your current pair. You'll still have to deal with hinges, but they'll stay on your neck if you take an on-water spill. There are a handful of those available from, starting at $6.95.


These armless sunglasses use an adjustable cord to stay snug against your face, so they're hard to lose or break when hiking or going out on the water
You can barely see or tell that they're held on with a cord.Ombraz

The bottom line

Can you tell I love these sunglasses? Since I'm a gear writer, I see many products come and go, but I think Ombraz sunglasses are here to stay. The armless concept is truly a game-changer; I wouldn't be surprised if major outdoor companies start to introduce similar items. I love how durable they are and enjoy the freedom of not having to treat my sunglasses like a fragile item in the wilderness. They're in-line with or even a bit cheaper than other leading outdoor brands at $140 each, and I suspect they'll last a lot longer. I'd consider them well worth the cost.
