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A California father posted two videos of a police officer punching his son with autism outside his home

Apr 24, 2021, 22:00 IST
  • A 17-year-old teen with autism was held down on the ground and punched by a California officer.
  • Ring doorbell video captured the incident, and the teen's father accused the officer of excessive force.
  • Vacaville police said the teen was being questioned by the officer and "actively began resisting arrest."

A father in California is accusing a police officer of using excessive force on his special-needs son.

The father, Adam Wolf, posted two Ring doorbell videos to Facebook that captured an interaction between a Vacaville, California, police officer and Preston, Wolf's son who has autism.

In the first video, the officer approaches Preston, who appears to be riding a scooter, and yells at him to get down.

"I'm not going to tell you again, get down," the officer says.

Preston then sits on the sidewalk, and lays his scooter down next to him. The officer then grabs the scooter and throws it away from Preston and stands in front of him, where the 17-year-old teen originally placed the scooter.


The officer continues to yell at Preston, appearing to ask him to extend his legs on the sidewalk. The teen then stands up and tries to run away. The officer grabs him and shoves him down to the ground, the first video shows.

The second video shows the officer holding Preston down and punching him while the teen struggles to get up.

"You're going to get hurt," the officer says. "Don't make me hurt you more."

The incident took place on April 21, Wolf said in his Facebook post.

"All of this was witnessed by multiple neighbors and caught on video," Wolf wrote in the post. "In the video you can hear Preston telling the officer to 'call his parents.' I don't believe that Preston will ever trust a police officer again."


"I am pro police, but I am not pro ABUSE," Wolf continued. "This individual and department must be held accountable for their actions. NO child, disability or not, deserves to be treated like this."

Vacaville police in a statement to NBC News said the officer was responding to a call about a possible stabbing or assault and regarded Preston as the suspect.

"The officer asked the suspect to sit down, which he did. When the police officer took out his handcuffs, the suspect actively began resisting arrest, trying to get up and run. In response, the officer forced the suspect to the ground and onto his stomach," a statement from the Vacaville Police Department says, according to NBC News.

Wolf said his son has autism and ADHD and "looks and acts younger than he is."

"Everyone he meets, thinks he is younger than he is," Wolf said in the post. The department said the officer did not know the teen has autism.


The officer arrested and detained Preston for about an hour before releasing him to his stepmother with a citation, NBC News reported. The department did not immediately respond to Insider's request about whether the teen was cleared as a suspect in the assault.

The department also did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Insider about the incident with the officer, but NBC News reported that there is an ongoing investigation.

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