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Boris Johnson fined for attending lockdown-breaking party to celebrate his birthday

Apr 13, 2022, 01:49 IST
Business Insider
Boris JohnsonJustin Tallis - WPA Pool/Getty Images
  • Boris Johnson said he has paid a fine for attending a party that broke COVID-19 lockdown rules.
  • Chancellor Rishi Sunak paid a fine for being at the party, as has Carrie Johnson, the PM's wife.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson apologised and paid a fine for attending a party to mark his birthday that breached UK lockdown rules at the time.

"Today I've received a fixed penalty notice from the Metropolitan Police relating to an event in Downing Street on 19 June 2020. Let me say immediately I have paid the fine and I once again offer a full apology," he said Tuesday evening.

The fine was issued for an event on June 19, 2020, held in the Cabinet Room of 10 Downing Street to celebrate Johnson's birthday, ITV News reported. Johnson described the gathering as "brief."

"It did not occur to me that this might have been a breach of the rules. But of course the police have found otherwise and I fully respect the outcome of their investigation.

"I understand the anger that many will feel that I myself fell short when it came to observing the very rules which the government I led had introduced to protect the public. I accept in all sincerity, that people had the right to expect better."


Chancellor Rishi Sunak also received a fine for attending the birthday party, and in a statement issued Tuesday evening said he had paid it.

"I know people sacrified a great deal during Covid, and they will find this situation upsetting. I deeply regret the situation and anger caused and I am sorry," he said.

Carrie Johnson, the prime minister's wife, has also paid a £50 fine issued to her for attending the birthday party.

On Tuesday evening, Johnson suggested the gathering was with "people I work with," despite his wife's attendance.

"Whilst she believed that she was acting in accordance with the rules at the time, Mrs Johnson accepts the Met Police's findings and apologises unreservedly," a spokesperson for Carrie Johnson said.

Carrie and Boris Johnson.Peter Nicholls - WPA Pool/Getty Images

The London Metropolitan Police have been investigating 12 events held by government officials that may have broken the rules, known as "partygate."

The events under investigation include the gathering at the 10 Downing Street Cabinet Room; a garden party at 10 Downing Street; and an event at 11 Downing Street, the prime minister's residence.

A Downing Street spokesperson said: "The Met Police have now explained that the FPN [fixed penalty notice] issued to the PM will be in relation to the following incident: 'On 19th June 2020 at the Cabinet Room 10 Downing Street between 1400 and 1500 you participated in a gathering of two or more people indoors in the Cabinet Room at 10 Downing Street.'"

The government had said 39 times that no rules had been broken within the first two weeks of the first partygate allegations.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak.Pippa Fowles/10 Downing Street/Handout via REUTERS

News of the fines came during parliament's Easter recess. MPs are due to return on April 19.


A senior Conservative MP, who was given anonymity to speak frankly, swore upon being told of the news by Insider.

Afterwards, they said: "Gosh. Wow. I am extraordinarily pissed off about that. I'll get over it eventually.

"But given all the pain so many people went through and the continuing fallout of lockdown on people's wellbeing, right now, forgiveness is not high up on the list of emotions."

Asked if Johnson and Sunak should resign as a result of receiving the fines, the MP said: "Whether they stay or go is a decision for them to make. We are all responsible for our own actions."

The leader of the opposition Labour Party, Keir Starmer, said: "Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak have broken the law and repeatedly lied to the British public. They must both resign.


"The Conservatives are totally unfit to govern. Britain deserves better."

Ed Davey, leader of the Liberal Democrats, called for Parliament to be recalled from its Easter recess for a vote of no confidence.

"The country cannot have criminals and liars leading our Government, especially at a time of national and international crisis," he said.

"Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak took the country's sacrifices for granted, while they broke the law to party in Downing Street. They are not fit to hold office. If they had a shred of decency, they would resign.

"Parliament should be recalled immediately so that MPs can hold a vote of no confidence. Conservative MPs must do their patriotic duty and kick these criminals out of Government once and for all."


'Failures of leadership'

No sitting prime minister has been found guilty of breaking the law before.

Partygate has dealt a big blow to Johnson's government, with a report published in January finding that "failures of leadership and judgment" enabled the culture of drinking and partying under him.

As of Tuesday, the Met has issued a total of 50 fines, The Guardian reported. The force issued 20 fines in late March and 30 more on Tuesday.

Cabinet Secretary Simon Case — who was forced to recuse himself from leading an investigation into the gatherings after it emerged that a Christmas quiz was held at his department — has not received a fine, a Cabinet Office spokesperson told Insider.

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