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Chrissy Teigen was targeted repeatedly by QAnon trolls before she quit Twitter

Mar 25, 2021, 19:18 IST
Chrissy Teigen at the premiere of NBC's "Bring The Funny" on June 26, 2019 in Los Angeles.David Livingston/Getty Images
  • Chrissy Teigen quit Twitter on Wednesday, citing negativity on the platform.
  • QAnon believers have for years targeted her in harassment and abuse campaigns.
  • On Telegram, QAnon adherents celebrated Teigen de-activating her account.

When celebrity chef and supermodel Chrissy Teigen announced she was quitting Twitter Wednesday, she alluded to the abuse and trolling she had faced on the platform, and the toll it had taken.

"This no longer serves me as positively as it serves me negatively… I've always been portrayed as the strong clap back girl but I'm just not," wrote Teigen to her 13.7 million followers before deactivating her account.

"My desire to be liked and fear of pissing people off has made me somebody you didn't sign up for, and a different human than I started out here as! Live well, tweeters."

Though she didn't mention it in her announcement, one of the most persistent sources of abuse directed at Teigen was from followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory movement.

Followers of the movement believe, groundlessly, that Teigen is part of an elite ring of cannibalistic child abusers involving Hollywood stars and Democratic Party politicians.


Teigen's announcement Wednesday was met with celebrations in one channel frequented by QAnon supporters on encrypted app Telegram, where many supporters of the movement have congregated after being ousted from mainstream platforms.

"Great victory on that one," wrote one user, while other speculated baselessly that the announcement meant Teigen had been executed, or sent to Guantanamo Bay. Falsehoods like these are a staple of QAnon conversations.

According to Billboard, Teigen was pulled into the conspiracy theory back in 2017, when QAnon supporter Liz Crokin seized on pictures of her 1-year-old daughter wearing a Halloween costume. Crokin implied that these images represented a link to the so-called Pizzagate conspiracy theory, a precursor to QAnon.

Teigen is also an outspoken critic of Donald Trump, revered by QAnon followers as a savior figure.

Crokin continued spreading the baseless smear despite Legend threatening to sue her, reported CBS News. By then Teigen had become the obsessive focus of the legion of online QAnon devotees.

A car with a flag endorsing the QAnon drives by as supporters of President Donald Trump gather for a rally outside the Governor's Mansion on November 14, 2020 in St Paul, Minnesota.Stephen Maturen/Getty Images

Conspiracy theorists began tagging her posts with the pizza emoji, a reference to the Pizzagate theory, and groundlessly linked Teigen to sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

Conspiracy theorists claimed falsely that she had travelled on Epstein's private plane, and visited his private island in the Caribbean.

Teigen in response blocked one million Twitter accounts spreading the claims in July last year, and temporarily quit the platform.

"I have never even met the man," she tweeted on July 10, referring to Epstein. "Or been to the island. Or on the plane."

Yet the trolling didn't stop, but intensified.


When Teigen announced she had suffered a miscarriage last October, QAnon trolls claimed the child's death had been staged.

Insider documented thousands of posts referencing QAnon harassing Teigen on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter after announcing the death.

"It was a group of us anons who got Chrissy Teigen to lock her account, get twitter to help her remove 60,000 tweets," boasted a QAnon supporter on Telegram of the trolling campaign after Teigen quit left. "And then blockchain blocked over a million users after we absolutely wrecked her on Twitter."

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