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How Brazil went from carnival floats to mass graves. Photos that show the world's latest coronavirus hotspot.

  • With more than 13,000 deaths and over 190,000 confirmed cases, Brazil is emerging as the world's new coronavirus hotspot.
  • While the first infections were spotted in the richer neighborhoods of large cities, the virus has since been spreading rampantly in the country's favelas.
  • But as hospitals and morgues in the country are becoming overwhelmed, its president, Jair Bolsonaro, continues to downplay the threat of the virus, dismissing it as a "little flu."
  • While anti-lockdown protests have emerged, others have been very critical of the Brazilian president's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, staging protests and voicing outrage on social media.
  • Despite the growing coronavirus cases, Brazil is currently not under a nation-wide lockdown. But some individual state governors have gone against Bolsonaro's orders and imposed their own measures.
  • Scroll down to see photos of what it's like in the country, which is expected to become one of the worst-hit coronavirus places in the world.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

With the sixth-worst death toll in the world, Brazil has emerged as the new coronavirus hotspot.

Brazil's hospitals, morgues, and cemeteries has been grappling with a rising number of coronavirus cases, which were first brought into the country by people traveling back from Europe and the US in February.

But despite growing concern that the country will record thousands of more deaths from the virus, its president — Jair Bolosnaro — never imposed a nation-wide lockdown.

Bolsonaro continues to downplay the threat of the virus, attending anti-lockdown protests and starting feuds with state governors, who have gone against his orders by individually issuing partial lockdowns.

Photos show what it's like in Brazil as its rapidly becoming one of the worst-hit countries from the coronavirus in the world.

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