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Trump-backed candidate for Michigan secretary of state once called abortion an act of 'child sacrifice' for a woman to get more freedom and money

Jul 3, 2022, 19:44 IST
Business Insider
Michigan Secretary of State candidate Kristina Karamo speaks at the Michigan State Capitol as demonstrators gathered to demand a forensic audit of the 2020 presidential election on October 12, 2021.Nic Antaya/Getty Images
  • A Trump-backed nominee for Michigan secretary of state called abortion an act of "child sacrifice."
  • "You're sacrificing that child hoping to get something out of their death," said candidate Kristina Karamo.

The Republican nominee for Michigan secretary of state once called abortion an act of "child sacrifice."

Kristina Karamo, the nominee who has received an endorsement from former President Donald Trump, made the remarks in 2020 during an episode on her podcast. This was first reported by CNN.

"Abortion is really nothing new," Karamo said on the podcast. "The child sacrifice is a very satanic practice, and that's precisely what abortion is. And we need to see it as such."

"When people in other cultures — when they engage in child sacrifice — they didn't just sacrifice the child for the sake of bloodshed. They sacrificed the child because they were hoping to get prosperity, and that's precisely why people have abortion now," Karamo added further into the episode.

"'Because I'm not ready. I don't want to have a baby. I don't feel like it. I don't have time. I wanna make more money. I want my freedom.' So you're sacrificing that child hoping to get something out of their death. Which is your freedom, your happiness, your prosperity."


Her remarks resurfaced about a week after the Supreme Court decided to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark Supreme Court decision that made abortion a constitutional right nationwide.

The decision to overturn Roe v. Wade sparked protests nationwide. Since the decision was made public, a slew of prominent individuals from musician Jack White to lawmakers such as Ocasio-Cortez has blasted the ruling. Attorney General Merrick Garland condemned the court's decision, saying on Friday that it's a "devastating blow to reproductive freedom in the United States."

Since May, abortion-rights advocates have feared that the Supreme Court would strike down Roe v. Wade. The fears began when Politico published a leaked draft opinion in which Associate Justice Samuel Alito called the decision "egregiously wrong from the start."

Abortion, however, remained legal in the United States until the court handed down the final verdict. But the draft itself was enough to put reproductive rights activists and doctors who perform abortions on edge.

By overturning Roe, the Supreme Court has put the question of the legality of abortion in the hands of individual state legislatures and has essentially made it illegal in at least 22 states to obtain an abortion. There are expected to be added restrictions in several others.


Karamo, a community college professor who teaches public speaking, attracted Trump's attention last year when she falsely claimed that the former president won the 2020 election against Joe Biden. If elected to secretary of state, she would oversee the 2024 presidential election in the state.

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