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Mike Pence is fundraising off a SCOTUS challenge to Roe v. Wade after calling for the law to be sent to the 'ash heap of history'

Dec 1, 2021, 10:28 IST
Business Insider
Former Vice President Mike Pence has been outspoken about his pro-life, anti-abortion stance.Sean Rayford/Getty Images
  • Mike Pence is fundraising off a SCOTUS hearing this week that substantially challenges Roe v. Wade.
  • Pence's team sent a fundraising email calling for "devoted conservatives" to contribute to his fund.

Former Vice President Mike Pence is sending out fundraising materials on the eve of a Supreme Court hearing challenging Roe v. Wade.

Pence's fundraising email was sent one day before the SCOTUS is due to hear what is projected to be the most substantial challenge to Roe v. Wade in decades — a case brought by Mississippi that is attempting to overturn the 1973 landmark ruling.

Pence's team at Advancing American Freedom, a 501 (c) (4) organization for which he is the founder, sent out a fundraising email titled "will you pray with me?" on Tuesday night.

"On the eve of oral arguments for a landmark decision in the Supreme Court, I shared a message of hope because NOW is our opportunity. The pro-life movement is alive and well and is facing its biggest challenge yet..." Pence wrote in the email.

"Now is the moment. For the tides to turn. For history to be corrected. I ask devoted conservatives like you—what kind of nation do you want to be in the balance of the 21st century? A nation that comes alongside women in their hour of need that defends life? Or a nation that leaves the unborn defenseless?" Pence wrote.


"I think I know that true patriots like you want to see this nation make the RIGHT choice," he added.

The fundraising email as seen by Insider came with a link under a button labeled "Defend Life," which linked out to a donation site centered around a pro-life message.

Pence has been outspoken in his anti-abortion stance but has ramped up his efforts to galvanize the pro-life movement over the last week. At an event at the National Press Club on Tuesday, he said: "The truth is nothing has been more destabilizing in our society for the last 50 years than legalized abortion."

"Today, as the Supreme Court prepares to hear oral arguments in those hallowed halls, we are here to declare with one voice 'no more,'" Pence said at the same event, asking the SCOTUS justices to send legalized abortion to the "ash heap of history."

"Life is winning in America, but now we need life to win in the highest court in the land," he added.

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