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Proposal 3: Michigan voters will decide on a constitutional right to abortion

Nov 4, 2022, 03:13 IST
Business Insider
Pro choice supporters gather outside the Michigan State Capitol during a "Restore Roe" rally in Lansing, on September 7, 2022.JEFF KOWALSKY/AFP via Getty Images; Insider
  • Michigan's Proposal 3 would make pregnancy decisions a state constitutional right.
  • Proponents say that the measure will protect abortion access and medical staff who perform abortions.

A "yes" on Michigan's Proposal 3 will amend the state's constitution to add an individual right to reproductive freedom, which includes abortion.

Ballot measure details

Proposal 3, also known as the "Reproductive Freedom for All" measure, would establish a right to reproductive healthcare, including pregnancy, contraception, sterilization, abortion, and miscarriage management.

It would also protect those who perform reproductive-related procedures and care, including abortion providers, from prosecution and would nullify any state laws that restrict access to this care.

Currently, Michigan's restrictions on abortion access include parental consent for minors and waiting periods for abortions, according to the Guttmacher Institute.

Proposal 3 would still uphold a state law that restricts abortions past the point of fetal viability, between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation, with exceptions to the health of the patient.


A petition to bring the measure to voters this November received 700,000 signatures, and the state Supreme Court certified Proposal 3 in July, weeks after the Supreme Court's draft opinion leak on national abortion rights.

Other states that are voting to add abortion protections to their constitution include California and Vermont

Support and opposition

Supporters of Proposal 3 include Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, ACLU Michigan, Planned Parenthood, and the Center for Reproductive Rights.

Supporters say the constitutional amendment is necessary to affirm the right to abortion and nullify a 1931 state law that completely bans abortions and threatens abortion providers with up to 15 years of imprisonment.

In September, a court of claims judge granted a permanent injunction on the enforcement of the law.


No on Prop 3 includes a coalition of pro-life and religious organizations. They oppose the proposal because it would cancel out laws on the books that restrict abortions, including parental consent laws.

What experts are saying

As of late September, around 62% of Michigan voters said they would vote yes on Proposal 3, 24% said they'd vote no, and 14% were unsure, a survey commissioned by Detroit News found.

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