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The US Coast Guard doesn't have an answer right now if the bodies of the 5 people who died in the Titan submersible implosion can be recovered

Jun 23, 2023, 10:49 IST
US Rear Adm. John Mauger, the First Coast Guard District commander, makes statements to the press at the US Coast Guard Base Boston in Boston, Massachusetts, United States on June 22, 2023. Debris discovered on the ocean floor suggests the missing submersible near the wreck of the Titanic suffered a "catastrophic loss" of pressure, Mauger said.Fatih Aktas/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images
  • The US Coast Guard can't say for sure if the bodies from the missing Titan submersible can be recovered.
  • An official said the submersible likely experienced a "catastrophic loss of the pressure chamber."

The US Coast Guard said in a press conference on Thursday that they don't know if the bodies of the passengers on the missing Titan submersible can be recovered.

The US Coast Guard told the media on Thursday that the Titan submersible had likely imploded. When asked about the prospects of recovering the bodies of those aboard the Titan, Mauger said there is an "incredibly unforgiving environment down there on the sea floor."

"And so we will continue to work, and continue to search the area down there, but I don't have an answer for prospects at this time," he added.

The Titan submersible lost contact with its mother ship during a dive to the Titanic shipwreck on Sunday. Five passengers, including the submersible's maker Stockton Rush, were on board the vessel.

The rescue efforts to locate the missing submersible involved teams from the US Coast Guard, US Navy, Canadian Coast Guard, and OceanGate Expeditions.


A representative for the US Coast Guard did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Insider sent outside regular business hours.

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