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Video appears to show a captured Russian soldier being fed by Ukrainians and allowed a video call with his mother

Mar 3, 2022, 14:29 IST
Russian troops have been deployed in Ukraine in an unprovoked military assault on the country.Russian Defense Ministry Press Service/Associated Press
  • A video has emerged on social media of what appears to be Ukrainians caring for a Russian soldier.
  • The video shows a man in military fatigues eating a pastry while being allowed a video call with his mother.

A video that appears to show a captured Russian soldier being given food by Ukrainians and making a video call to his mother has gone viral over social media.

In a video tweeted on Wednesday by Matthew Luxmoore, a Wall Street Journal reporter in Moscow, a young man in military fatigues is seen drinking a beverage and eating a pastry. A woman is also seen holding up a phone in front of the soldier, seemingly waiting for a video call to connect.

Meanwhile, a man off-camera says in Ukrainian: "They give away their children as cannon fodder. They don't know where they are going, they just wander around. Rise, woman! You must all rise up and get Crimea up on your feet! Get people up on your feet! You see your son is alive, nothing bad will happen to him."

Once the video call connects, the woman holding the phone addresses a caller named Natasha in Russian, telling her that "everything is fine."

The man then appears to break down at the sight of the other person on the call. A female voice on the call then says: "Everything is fine, son. Everything is fine."


"Okay, Natasha, good luck, may God be with you. Everything is fine. Say goodbye," the woman holding the phone tells the man's mother.

"How can I get him back?" the caller is heard asking.

"They will get in contact with you, Natasha. He is safe and sound. They will get in touch with you later. Say goodbye," the woman says.

While the man doesn't appear to say anything in the video, he does blow a kiss at the phone's screen before the call ends.

Since Luxmoore uploaded it, the video has been received over 26,000 shares and 2.8 million views as of press time.


On Tuesday, a US senior defense official told reporters that declining morale had led some Russian troops involved in the invasion of Ukraine to surrender "without a fight" to local forces.

Insider's live blog of the Russian invasion of Ukraine is covering developments as they happen.

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