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Videos show Israel's military used incendiary bombs in Gaza that can cause horrific burns

Oct 13, 2023, 20:44 IST
Business Insider
An Israeli tank drives toward the Israeli southern border with the Gaza Strip on October 9, 2023 near Sderot, Israel.Photo by Amir Levy/Getty Images
  • Human Rights Watch said Israel used white phosphorus in Gaza and along the Israel-Lebanon border.
  • White phosphorus ignites when it's exposed to oxygen and causes severe burns.

Human Rights Watch said Thursday that Israel used white phosphorus in military operations in the Gaza Strip and along the Israel-Lebanon border.

White phosphorus is a chemical that ignites when it's exposed to oxygen and can cause severe burns when it comes into contact with human skin. HRW said it could also "set structures, fields, and other civilian objects in the vicinity on fire."

The organization said it verified two videos claiming to show the use of white phosphorus over the Gaza City port and rural areas along Israel's border with Lebanon.

Israel's use of white phosphorus comes as it mounts a heavy response to Hamas' deadly terror attacks in the south of Israel on Saturday.

White phosphorus is classified as an incendiary munition because it works using heat, as opposed to chemical weapons, which operate by toxicity.


In addition to verifying the two videos, HRW also interviewed two people who described the use of the munitions over Gaza.

Using white phosphorus in populated civilian areas is a violation of international humanitarian law, and HRW said it believed the Israel Defence Forces' deployment of the substance over Gaza was unlawful.

"Any time that white phosphorus is used in crowded civilian areas, it poses a high risk of excruciating burns and lifelong suffering," Lama Fakih, the Middle East and North Africa director at HRW, said in a report published by the organization. "White phosphorous is unlawfully indiscriminate when airburst in populated urban areas, where it can burn down houses and cause egregious harm to civilians."

It's not the first time Israel has been accused of using white phosphorus in Gaza. HRW also published a report in 2009 saying the IDF made "extensive use" of the incendiary bombs in a 22-day military operation in Gaza and deployed them over densely populated neighborhoods, killing and wounding civilians and hitting buildings including a school, a hospital, and a humanitarian aid warehouse.

As of Thursday, Israeli officials said 1,300 people had died as a result of the Hamas terror attacks and 2,800 were wounded. Authorities said militants also kidnapped 100-150 people, including women, children, and older people, and were holding them hostage in Gaza.


The Palestinian health ministry said that since Israel launched its counteroffensive in Gaza, 1,417 Gazans had died, and 6,200 were wounded. Nearly one-third of those who died were children.

In addition to its military response, Israel cut off the supply of food, water, fuel, and electricity to Gaza, a move that some human rights advocates say is a violation of international law. It's also mobilizing for a ground operation that could further decimate the civilian population in Gaza.

Gaza's health system is also at a breaking point as it strains to stay functional with no access to electricity, officials and humanitarian aid groups said. The International Red Cross warned that if Israel's retaliatory strikes continue, then hospitals in the region could soon "turn into morgues."

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