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Zelenskyy says he's tired of Western leaders asking him over and over to provide a wishlist of weapons Ukraine needs: 'It's Groundhog Day. I feel like Bill Murray.'

Apr 16, 2022, 00:05 IST
Business Insider
Ukraine's President Zelensky in an address on April 1, 2022, said 2 Ukrainian generals had been fired, describing them as "traitors."President of Ukraine
  • Zelenskyy said he is frustrated with Western leaders repeatedly asking for his wishlist of weaponry for Ukraine.
  • "It's 'Groundhog Day.' I feel like Bill Murray," Zelenskyy told The Atlantic in an interview.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he is tired of Western leaders repeatedly asking him for a wishlist of weapons for Ukraine.

In an interview published Friday with The Atlantic, Zelenskyy said he is often frustrated by repetitive questions asked of him by Western leaders.

"It's not interesting to answer the questions you already heard," Zelenskyy said, according to The Atlantic.

"When some leaders ask me what weapons I need, I need a moment to calm myself, because I already told them the week before," he continued. "It's 'Groundhog Day.' I feel like Bill Murray."

Nevertheless, Zelenskyy repeats his wishlist, hoping to receive support in the form of weaponry from Western allies, The Atlantic reported. He said that he has even offered to fly up to three Ukrainian cargo planes to pick up weapons from other countries.


"You have it and here it is; we know where it is stored. Can you give it to us?" Zelenskyy said, according to The Atlantic.

"We need armored vehicles, for example. And not one per day. We need 200 to 300 per day. These aren't personal taxis, just for me; our soldiers need transport. Flights are available, the whole thing can be organized, we can do all the logistics."

He acknowledged that shipments of weaponry may be stalled because leaders of other countries across the world cannot understand the immediacy with which Ukraine needs the shipments, The Atlantic reported.

"They are not against us. They just live in a different situation. As long as they have not lost their parents and children, they do not feel the way we feel," Zelenskyy said.

Zelenskyy's chief of staff, Andriy Yermak, noted that working with the US has been pleasant and complimented President Joe Biden's efforts, but said the weapons shipments just aren't coming fast enough to keep up with the Russian assault on their country.


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