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It Looks Like Samsung's Smartwatch Will Be Called The 'Galaxy Gear' And Beat Apple's Device To Market This Year

Aug 6, 2013, 01:49 IST

MoveplayerPatented design for Samsung Smartwatch We've known about a Samsung smartwatch for a while now.


But details have been relatively scarce up until this point.

Samsung has been rumored to call its smartwatch the Galaxy Gear, and even the Galaxy Altius.

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But now it seems pretty likely that Samsung will call it the Galaxy Gear, according to a new trademark filing, first uncovered by a Samsung-focused blog called Galaxy Club.

Here's how the Galaxy Gear is described:


"Wearable digital electronic devices in the form of a wristwatch, wrist band or bangle capable of providing access to the Internet and for sending and receiving phone calls, electronic mails and messages; wearable electronic handheld devices in the form of a wristwatch, wrist band or bangle for the wireless receipt, storage and/or transmission of data and messages and for keeping track of or managing personal information; smart phones; tablet computers; portable computers."

Earlier this year, Samsung filed a slew of patents in Korea that resemble a watch with Android controls, and even a flexible display (see in image above).

Samsung has a big event on September 4 where it will unveil a new Galaxy device. It's very likely that it will be the next version of the Galaxy Note phone, but Samsung could theoretically surprise us all with a new smartwatch.

If Samsung does unveil a smartwatch early next month, it may beat Apple to the punch.

Apple reportedly has a team of at least 50 employees working on an iWatch. But there's no word of when such a device would actually come to market.

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