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It's That Time Of Year Again! Send Us Nominations For The SA 100, A List Of The Coolest People In NYC Tech

Aug 4, 2014, 22:08 IST

Roll out the red carpet and cue the violinist, it's time for the annual SA 100.

In October, we will publish our annual New York: Silicon Alley 100 feature.


The Silicon Alley 100 ranks the 100 people who have done the coolest stuff in the New York tech this year. We'll be celebrating the list with the winners and other NYC digital luminaries at a huge bash held at a secret, swanky venue.

(Seriously. It's going to be awesome.)

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So put your nominating hats on!

In this form, please post the names of people you think have done the coolest stuff in and for the NYC digital community this year. Then, for each person you nominate, please explain what they have done that you think is so cool.


What does "done something cool" mean?

  • Launched an innovative startup
  • Created an excellent product
  • Funded a few cool companies
  • Significantly supported and contributed to the New York digital community
  • Accomplished something amazing in their careers
  • Donated a ton of money or time to a worthy cause
  • Etc. - You be the judge

You have a few weeks to get your nominations in (we'll stop taking them mid-September). Meanwhile, we'll start working on our own nominations to separate awe-inspiring people from hype.

Then we'll spend a couple of weeks narrowing down the list before we unveil the 2014 rankings, have our huge bash, and post pictures for everyone to see.

So get cracking! Post your nominations here! For any SA 100 questions, please reach out ot Maya Koskoff or Rebecca Borison.

You can also check out our 2013 Silicon Alley 100 list here >>

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