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Joe Scarborough unloaded on Marco Rubio after his name appeared in a fundraising email

Dec 22, 2015, 23:08 IST

Joe Scarborough.MSNBC

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough railed against presidential candidate and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida) after Scarborough's name appeared in a Rubio campaign fundraising email.

Scarborough was mentioned in the email after remarks last week that were critical of the Rubio campaign's ads, which he described as "nativist."

In the ad, Rubio said the election revolved around people who "feel out of touch in their own country."

"Elitist members of the media, like MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, are claiming Marco's remarks are 'nativist,' saying he's trying to pander," Rubio campaign manager Terry Sullivan wrote in an email to supporters on Monday.

Scarborough charged the Rubio campaign was "the most thin-skinned group of people I've ever seen in politics."


"Here's a guy that flies around in private jets every day - and he has for years," Scarborough said. "Here's a guy that sits in luxury suites at Miami Dolphins football games. ... Here's a guy that got paid $800,000 by a massive, powerful, Manhattan publishing company for a book. ... And he's got the guts to go on and lift a line out of this nativist playbook?"

Scarborough continued by chiding Rubio as trying to "appeal to Donald Trump's crowd."

"This is a guy that does belong in this country," he said, adding, "His family embodies the American dream. And he's doing this nativist B.S. to try to appeal. It is such a crass and ham-fisted play. Again, this is what a student-government president does when he wants to get elected."

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