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Leaked Jeb Bush slide deck: Here's how we'll win

Nov 1, 2015, 21:45 IST

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R).REUTERS/Gretchen Ertl

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's (R) presidential campaign is working hard to convince donors and others that he's still got a clear shot to the Republican party's nomination.

Over the previous weekend and going into Monday, Bush and his political-dynasty family hunkered down in Houston, Texas, with some of their top supporters, some of whom are wary with his lack of traction in the 2016 primary.

Bush started off in the race as a presumed front-runner, boosted by a massive super PAC and the name recognition that comes from having a brother and father who both recently served as president.

But his poll numbers are lagging in the face of outsides like real-estate mogul Donald Trump, as well as increased competition from fellow establishment-oriented candidates like Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida). Additionally, Bush had to slash his own campaign payroll a week ago, and his chief operations officer departed on Friday.

The Bush campaign argues that by running a leaner, more focused effort, they will be able to pull off a comeback like Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) did in 2008.


internal Bush campaign document

In one reported closed-door strategy briefing in Houston with Bush donors, campaign officials presented a 45-slide presentation outlining where Bush stood in the race. On Thursday, US & News & World report's David Catanese reported that it was actually a 112-slide briefing, including internal polling and a slide ripping into Rubio.

Even the 45-panel version took strong shots against Rubio, whom the campaign panned as the "GOP Obama."

"We need to offer a contrast to the current president. Hillary will pitch competence and experience. Marco is a GOP Obama," the Bush slide read. "Rubio and President Obama have strikingly similar profiles: first-term senators, lawyers and university lecturers, served in part-time state legislatures for eight years, had few legislative accomplishments, and haven't shown much interest int he process of advancing legislation and getting results."

Overall, the Bush campaign argues that it has a better foundation than they are given credit for, including strong fundraising and early-state organizing. And the Bush team argues that the race is much more fluid than the media gives it credit for.

You can see the entire 45-slide version of the presentation Bush campaign below.

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