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Mark Zuckerberg: Some Bigger Company Should've Built Facebook First

Jan 15, 2015, 05:08 IST

Running a multibillion dollar company can often be overwhelming, but Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg seems to have found the perfect way to deal with it: by appreciating every moment.


In a live Q&A session held in Bogotá, Colombia, Zuckerberg was asked how he manages not to "get bored" at work.

Zuckerberg, who founded Facebook at the age of 20, answered with a smile, "I just feel really lucky."

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He said "a lot of luck" is involved when building something as big as Facebook, and that there's no reason not to believe a bigger company could have done what his team did instead:

There is no reason going back to the beginning of Facebook why a group of college students should have been able to build this network and this community that got so big and international. Some company that knew way more about building things should have done that instead.

But with that, Zuckerberg said, follows a lot of responsibility, too. He said he wakes up every day, thinking he needs to make the most of the position he's in.

"It's pretty rare to be in this position that I'm in, so I try not to take that for granted," he said. "I want to make sure that I live up to our potential."

Part of that potential is making sure Facebook plays an important role in connecting the world through the internet. Zuckerberg mentioned Internet.org, Facebook's non-profit initiative to spread the internet globally, as one of the means to achieve that goal.

He continued that more connectivity will also change the way people communicate in the future. As opposed to the few social media and messaging apps that are popular now, Zuckerberg said he believes there will be vastly more options to communication with others online.

"I think what you're going to see, 10 years out, there's just going to be more tools like this. The diversity of the way that people want to share, the moments that people want to communicate, the tools the people need to stay connected are just going to keep growing," he said.


Also, he pointed out that Facebook will continue to evolve and help create a new platform that's "even more natural and built-in to our lives" than PCs and mobile phones. Mentioning Oculus and virtual reality as one of the possible options, Zuckerberg said, "There will be another platform after computers that becomes the primary computing platform, and we're really excited to build that as well."

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