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Meet The Couple Who Tweets About Every Single Fight They Have

Nov 11, 2013, 19:30 IST

Linic/MeyerClaire Meyer and Alan Linic document all of their arguments on Twitter."If we posted on social media about this fight, people would never believe it."


That's what Claire Meyer told her boyfriend, Alan Linic, when they found themselves arguing about something mundane.

So they created a Twitter account to document their spats. Now, @WeFoughtAbout has captured the watchful eyes of a few thousand followers over the last week.

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We now live in a world where everything is documented on social media. Every time you log into your Facebook, you're greeted by people bragging about their amazing jobs, their amazing spouses, their amazing kids, their amazing vacations (ugh, the vacation photos!).

The beauty of being able to mold your social presence to perfection makes it easy to forget the lesson we all learned when we were in kindergarten: no one is perfect.


That's what makes @WeFoughtAbout so charming. Meyer and Linic bring a healthy dose of reality to these spaces, proving something we all know to be true; that even people who are in love argue from time to time. And sometimes, they argue about silly, petty things.

Here are a few of our favorite tweets:

"We both post from the account," Meyer told Business Insider. "And it encourages us to talk through each fight to find the true catalyst. That is the hardest part."

Meyer, who is a writer in Chicago for the popular dating site, HowAboutWe, says that their parents and friends love the feed, comparing it to Seinfeld and praising the couple for "finding the humor in every day moments."

Meyer and Linic both agree that the newfound attention has been fun, and that the documentation of their arguments is truly helping them to be more honest with each other. Meyer said if the account ever started to hurt their relationship, they'd end the project immediately.


"We have definitely started to learn what triggers fights between us," she said. "But maybe we'll be fighting over Harry Potter when we're 64. I certainly hope so."

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