Meet The Photographer Who's Shot Alaska's Iditarod Sled Dog Race For 34 Years Straight



Jeff Schultz

The Widows Lamp, lit until the last musher reaches Nome hangs from the burled finish line arch in as Paige Drobny runs down the finish line in 34th place, 2013.

Photographer Jeff Schultz has always loved adventure. In 1978, he moved from California's Bay Area to Alaska with dreams of log cabins and self-sufficient living. Since then, he has traveled and photographed all over the state, seeking thrills and great images.


And there's no Alaskan event more thrilling than the Annual Iditarod Race, which pits dog sled racers, known as "mushers," and teams of 16 sled dogs against each other in a slog across more than 1,100 frozen miles of Alaskan wilderness.

Schultz began photographing the event in 1981 and become the Iditarod's official photographer in 1982. He has taken over 50,000 images of every musher, checkpoint, and weather condition imaginable. Next year will be Schultz's 35th time covering the event, and he is releasing a book, titled "Chasing Dogs: My Adventures As The Official Photographer Of Alaska's Iditarod," which includes many of his race photos, as well as stories from the trail.

We asked him to share with us some photos and insight into the legendary race. More can be seen at his extensive photo website.