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MIT researchers made a squishy robot fish that could revolutionise how we study the ocean

Mar 28, 2018, 21:37 IST
  • Researchers at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have unveiled "SoFi."
  • The small, robotic fish mimics the look and movement of a real fish, allowing it to get close to marine life.
  • Controlled wirelessly via remote, it can take high-res photos and videos with its onboard camera.


Meet SoFi, the little robotic fish that could help change the way we study the ocean. Created by researchers at MIT, SoFi is capable of swimming alongside real fish without any disturbance, this is due to the robots appearance and movements mimicking that of marine life.

SoFi is powered by a smartphone battery and controlled remotely - using ultrasonic signals to communicate. A hydraulic pump moves its flexible, soft silicone tail, allowing it to move nimbly in the water.

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The robot is still in development, and the team plan to improve its swim speed and design, eventually including technology to allow SoFi to swim autonomously.

Produced and filmed by David Ibekwe.


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