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Most People Think Google Glass Is Going To Flop

May 7, 2013, 18:16 IST

Fox NewsTech pundits are still weighing in on Google's computerized glasses, Google Glass.


Assessments are all over the map.

But getting a free version of a new gadget, or being rich enough that you can plunk down $1,500 for one, is very different from actually choosing to buy one as a normal person.

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And that, for any new gadget, is where the rubber meets the road.

So what's the current consensus for future Google Glass sales?


According to a poll we ran over the weekend, the consensus is that there really isn't a consensus. The assessments, again, are all over the map.

If there is a bias, though, it's to the negative. More people think Google Glass is going to flop that think it's going to be a runaway hit.

Specifically, more than a quarter of people expect Google to sell less than a million units of Glass (or equivalent) in three years.

More than half expect Google to sell less than 8 million units a year.

Given the early excitement around the technology, both of those outcomes would be considered a flop.


Meanwhile, 14% of people think Google will sell more than 80 million units a year in three years.

That sales level would be a massive home run.

Here are the current results of the poll. You can cast your own vote here.

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