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Nancy Grace And Rapper 2 Chainz Have An Incredible Debate Over Legalizing Pot

Jan 14, 2015, 20:53 IST


Nancy Grace and rapper 2 Chainz had an amazing debate over the legalization of marijuana Tuesday night on the legal analyst's HLN show.

The rapper, who graduated from Alabama State University with a 4.0 while on a basketball scholarship, is in favor of legalizing the drug. GossipCop summed up 2 Chainz's argument on the show: "Minor drug offenses can prevent people from getting jobs and loans, and suggested that legalization could ease overcrowding in prisons and help the economy, saying taxpayer money would be freed up if people weren't unnecessarily being prosecuted."

The rapper also revealed he personally uses weed to help with his anxiety before "shows in front of 50, 60,000 people."


Grace argued the opposite, citing a few incidents in which young children encountered weed, such as one story "like a mom and a dad on the porch, and the baby dies in a fire."

Grace pressed the rapper on how he - a role model - could support the legalization of marijuana in light of stories like a toddler smoking weed.

"These people are obviously imbeciles. You can't use this case to define an entire community," 2 Chainz responded, while referring to Grace as "Darlin."

Throughout the interview, Grace had some incredible one-liners:

  • "And while I have you, why the 2 Chainz?"
  • "I'm not defining everybody so don't throw me in that pot and stew me."
  • "Everybody shouldn't have free access to go get pot like you get orange juice at the grocery store. Like you order it up like a pizza."

She even recited some of 2 Chainz's lyrics:

"'Smoking California weed with California whores' - excuse me, 'true.' I left that out," said Grace. "Truuuue!" 2 Chainz responded.

Despite the back and forth, both Grace and 2 Chainz seemed to enjoy the debate.

After the show, the two tweeted at each other:

People on Twitter were quick to comment on the interview:

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