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NASA Will Crash A Marine Helicopter On Purpose Today

Aug 28, 2013, 19:49 IST

NASAEngineers installed crash-test dummies to test seatbelts and other technologies.


On Wednesday, Aug. 28, NASA plans to drop a helicopter from 30 feet in the air to test safety features, like improved seatbelts.

You can watch the destruction happen live online at 1 p.m. EDT.

"Almost 40 cameras inside and outside of the helicopter will record how 13 crash test dummies react before, during and after impact," lead test engineer Martin Annett said in a statement."Onboard computers will also record more than 350 channels of data."

The former Marine helicopter will be lifted into the air by cables and then pendulum swung into a bed of soil, according to the space agency. When the cables are released the helicopter will smash into the ground at 30 mph, which "represents a severe but survivable condition under both civilian and military requirements," says NASA.


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