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Over 22,000 People Are Watching A Fish Play Pokemon By Swimming Around Its Fish Bowl

Aug 7, 2014, 23:38 IST

The Twitch community has moved on from watching Pokemon Red played by over a million users to just one - a fish.


The Twitch channel Fish Plays Pokemon features a fish, named Grayson Hopper, swimming around in a fish bowl as the Pokemon Red character moves according to the direction Grayson swims.

At the time of writing, over 22,000 are currently watching Grayson play Pokemon, with a little under 50,000 total views.

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It's been slow going for Grayson, but in over 135 hours of playtime, he has managed to get his first Pokemon, name it AAAABBK, and win a battle against his rival.

According to the page, Fish Plays Pokemon was created in 24 hours at HackNY, a hackathon organized by faculty at NYU and Columbia.


In a similar experiment that went viral earlier this year, Twitch Plays Pokemon allowed all page viewers to participate in a mass player game of Pokemon Red, which garnered over a million visitors and took 390 hours to complete. Now Twitch Plays Pokemon has moved on to playing Pokemon Stadium 2.

Why are over 22,000 people watching a fish (very poorly) play Pokemon? We have no idea. But if you want to get in on the action, you can check it out here.

Fish Plays PokemonOne of the more eventful moments of the past hour.

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