Economy News

Katie Notopoulos
18 May 2024, 18:00

For working moms, it's some good news and some bad news

For working moms, it's some good news and some bad news

For working moms, it's some good news and some bad news

The cost of childcare is higher than ever, and more moms are working. What's going on?

Why Americans' confidence in finding a new job is tanking even as the labor market is humming along
Jacob Zinkula,Madison Hoff
18 May 2024, 17:36

Why Americans' confidence in finding a new job is tanking even as the labor market is humming along

Americans are the most pessimistic they've been in years about their chances of finding a new job if they lost their current one, a survey suggests.

Low-income Americans wait years to get housing vouchers that are often impossible to use. Fixing the system could mean more funding and less red tape.
Eliza Relman
18 May 2024, 16:49

Low-income Americans wait years to get housing vouchers that are often impossible to use. Fixing the system could mean more funding and less red tape.

Just 60% of voucher recipients nationwide actually use their vouchers to secure housing, which shows how difficult the benefit is to use.