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Trump thinks he'd defeat Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis if they face each other in a 2024 presidential run

Jun 21, 2022, 02:34 IST
Business Insider
Then-President Donald Trump greets then-Florida Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis during a campaign rally at the Hertz Arena on October 31, 2018 in Estero, Florida.Joe Raedle/Getty Images
  • Donald Trump thinks he'd beat Florida governor Ron DeSantis if they both ran for president in 2024.
  • Trump told The New Yorker, "I think I would win."

Former President Donald Trump thinks he'd defeat Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis if they both ran for president in 2024.

"I don't know if Ron is running, and I don't ask him," Trump told The New Yorker in a story published on Monday. "It's his prerogative. I think I would win."

It's not the first time Trump has said he'd beat DeSantis. Speaking of DeSantis in an October interview with Yahoo Finance, Trump said: "If I faced him, I'd beat him like I would beat everyone else."

Speaking with the New Yorker, Trump also said he doesn't think DeSantis would have been elected governor without his support.

"If I didn't endorse him, he wouldn't have won," Trump told the New Yorker.


Neither DeSantis nor Trump has officially announced a run for president.

Trump told the New Yorker he's "very close to making a decision" on whether or not he'll run for president again.

Rolling Stone reported last week that Trump is mulling announcing a 2024 White House bid near Tallahassee, Florida's capital, to show DeSantis "who the boss is."

In a straw poll held during the Conservative Political Action Conference in February, 59% of attendees said they wanted Trump to be the GOP nominee in 2024. DeSantis came in second with support from 28% of CPAC attendees.

Earlier this month, in a poll taken during the Western Conservative Summit, attendees were asked to vote for all of the candidates they'd approve for president. DeSantis prevailed with approval from 71.01% of voters, compared to 67.68% for Trump.

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