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Trump wished the 'Mothers, Wives, and Lovers' of 'Marxists' and 'Communists' a happy Mother's Day — but didn't send well wishes to Melania

May 15, 2023, 10:19 IST
Business Insider
Donald Trump.Robert Perry/Getty Images
  • Trump wished Happy Mother's Day to the "Mothers, Wives, and Lovers" of "Radical Left Fascists."
  • It was in keeping with Trump's tradition of using happy occasions to attack his political rivals.

In a time-honored tradition, former President Donald Trump once again used the joyous occasion of Mother's Day to blast his political rivals.

In a rant on his Truth Social platform on Sunday, he extended Mother's Day greetings "to ALL," in particular the "Mothers, Wives and Lovers of the Radical Left Fascists, Marxists, and Communists who are doing everything within their power to destroy and obliterate our once great Country."

He added a bizarre plea to said mothers and lovers: "Please make these complete Lunatics and Maniacs Kinder, Gentler, Softer and, most importantly, Smarter, so that we can, quickly, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!"

Trump has historically used occasions like Easter, Christmas, Father's Day, and last year's Mother's Day, to attack his political rivals with less-than-festive greetings.

Just a few days after his arrest on April 4, he took to Truth Social to post a similar Easter greeting to "MARXISTS, & COMMUNISTS WHO ARE KILLING OUR NATION."


Last year, he sent out Christmas greetings to the "Radical Left Marxists," and wished a Happy Father's Day to the "Radical Left, RINOs, and other Losers of the world."

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is regarded as Trump's largest rival for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, posted a starkly different Mother's Day message on Twitter.

In a tweet on Sunday, he posted a picture of his wife and family, saying: "Madison, Mason and Mamie are lucky to have the best mother in the world - @CaseyDeSantis. Thank you for all that you do for our family, we love you very much!"

Trump, on the other hand, did not seem to extend his Mother's Day wishes to his wife, former First Lady Melania Trump, on his Truth Social platform. The couple share a 17-year-old son, Barron.

The ex-president's rant on Truth Social comes days after he lost a defamation suit filed against him by writer E. Jean Carroll, and was found liable by a Manhattan jury for sexually abusing Carroll in the 1990s.


Trump responded to the verdict by denying that he ever knew Carroll, ranting in a Truth Social post that "THIS VERDICT IS A DISGRACE - A CONTINUATION OF THE GREATEST WITCH HUNT OF ALL TIME!"

A spokesman for Trump did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment sent outside regular business hours.

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