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President Obama sang an amazing rendition of 'Happy Birthday' to his daughter at the White House July 4th party

Jul 5, 2016, 19:37 IST

President Barack Obama hugs and sings &quotHappy Birthday" to his daughter Malia Obama on stage during an Independence Day celebration in the East Room of the White House, in Washington, Monday, July 4, 2016, for members of the military and their families.AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

Barack Obama wasn't the best singer at this year's Independence Day celebration at the White House - that honor would go to either Kendrick Lamar or Janelle Monáe - but he sang a song anyway.

"It just so happens that we celebrate our country's birthday on the same date that we celebrate our oldest daughter's birthday," a hoarse Obama said before leading a group serenade of "Happy Birthday" to his daughter Malia, who just turned 18.

Twitter user @NerdyWonka captured the moment in the White House's video stream of the event. Check it out below:


Obama isn't shy to sing in public. He sang a bit of one of Ray Charles's songs in a tribute earlier this year at the White House and famously sang "Amazing Grace" at the funeral for the victims of the Charleston Church Shooting last year.

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