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Robbers are holding people up at gunpoint in order to steal their bitcoin

Feb 20, 2015, 21:02 IST

New York City is in the midst of a bitcoin crime wave, according to the Observer.


Well, wave may be a bit strong, but there have been at least two "stagecoach robbery" type of crimes.

The details are crazy:

A New York City firefighter named Dwayne Richards was recently held up, stabbed and robbed by thieves who were after his bitcoin, the Observer has learned. From what we've discovered, Mr. Richards-who is a firefighter in lower Manhattan-was mugged and left bleeding after meeting the robbers under the pretense of exchanging bitcoin for cash in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. He's alive, well, and refusing comment.

Additionally, a one-man bitcoin dealer named Dean Katz was held up "at gunpoint and forced him to transfer $8,500 worth of bitcoin. Then, the robber took $3,500 in cash and split."


The value of the digital currency has been extremely volatile, steadily falling over the last two years. The point, for the robbers, is that it still does have value.

Coin Base

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