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Russian Deputy PM: Our Hotel Shower Surveillance Footage In Sochi Shows Sabotage

Russian Deputy PM: Our Hotel Shower Surveillance Footage In Sochi Shows Sabotage
Defense1 min read

Russian CCTV Camera

Thomas Peter / Reuters

It was only a matter of time before someone official and Russian at the same time said something about western journos and their portrayal of Sochi hotel rooms - but no one could guess that it would be such a foot-in-mouth moment.

Responding to the western campaign of "deliberate sabotage" in the media, Paul Sonne of WSJ reports, Russian deputy prime minister Dmitry Kozak said, "We have surveillance video from the hotels that shows people turn on the shower, direct the nozzle at the wall and then leave the room for the whole day."

Then an aid whisked Kozak away before he could answer any follow up questions, Sonne reports.

The level of surveillance in Russia has only recently taken a back seat to Tweets about unfinished hotel rooms. Nevertheless, NBC's Richard Engel showed just how quickly Russian hackers exploited brand new computers in the Sochi area.


