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Samsung's latest ad is eerily similar to recent Apple ads

May 5, 2015, 00:26 IST

Samsung just released it's latest ad for the Galaxy S6 Edge, and it looks eerily familiar.


In April, Apple made this ad for the Gold Edition of Apple Watch. When you look at Samsung's ad and the Watch spot side by side, the similarities border on ridiculous.

One of the first similarities you'll see is the voice behind the pictures. Apple's designer Jony Ive lent his signature voice complete with accent to the gold Apple Watch ad. The voice behind Samsung's new ad sounds strangely similar.

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Then you get what's actually on the screen.

For example, liquid metal pouring in the Samsung ad:


And here's a shot of the Apple ad:

And the assembly lines, churning out the gadgetry in the Samsung ad:

And the same thing in the Apple ad:

And then of course, the completed devices gracefully twist and turn through the air over a black background:

Here's the Apple Ad:


 And then, Samsung broke out a bit with water:

And it looked very similar to an old iPhone 5C ad:

Here are the two videos in their entirety so you can see all the similarities for yourself. And listen for Samsung's Jony Ive-like narrator.

NOW WATCH: Kids settle the debate and tell us which is better: an Apple or Samsung phone

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