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A matchmaker reviewed a 40-year-old's Hinge profile and said he should remove his dealbreakers

<p class="ingestion featured-caption">Ken submitted his Hinge profile to Business Insider's Dating App Clinic.Adene Sanchez/Getty Images</p><ul class="summary-list"><li><strong>Ken submitted his Hinge profile for review by an expert as part of </strong><a target="_blank" rel href="https://www.insider.com/category/dating-app-clinic"><strong>Business Insider's Dating App Clinic</strong></a><strong>.</strong></li><li><strong>Matchmaker Thalia Ouimet said Ken should remove his Disney-adult dealbreaker mention and his voice memo.</strong></li></ul><p>Ken, a 40-year-old using Hinge to date, submitted his profile for <a target="_blank" rel href="https://www.insider.com/nato-not-attached-to-outcome-dating-apps-advice-2023-10"><u>Business Insider's Dating App Clinic</u></a>, a series where we ask experts how to revamp your dating profiles to increase your chances of finding a match.</p><p>Ken said he's looking to date women. He's seeking someone who is compassionate, kind, and who has positive attitude. He told Insider his dealbreakers are people who are polyamorous, not emotionally available, and poor communicators, though he included others in his profile.</p><p>"I'm a compassionate, easy-going person who enjoys music, being outside, reading, and giving back to those less fortunate," Ken told Business Insider.</p><p>Ultimately, Ken is seeking a long-term partnership, and is open to marriage.</p><p>Ken said he thinks he's honest about what he's looking for in his profile, and includes clear photos. But he could use help finding ways to make it more appealing to potential matches, so he gets more likes, he said.</p><p>Matchmaker <a target="_blank" href="https://www.instagram.com/thaliaouimet/">Thalia Ouimet</a> told Business Insider how Ken could update his dating profile to increase his chances of finding a match.</p>