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I gave birth in Germany and in the US. Here are the stark differences.

Sep 16, 2021, 21:19 IST
Rebecca Alwine. Courtesy of Sarah Tau Photography
  • The author had two children in Germany and one in the US.
  • The maternity ward in Germany was calm and loving, with endless food and no visiting restrictions.
  • The birth in the US was attended by many people and felt chaotic.

I was 10 weeks pregnant when I arrived in Germany from the US. At my first appointment, I had no idea what to expect. My German obstetrician spoke perfect English, and he was old-school in many ways: Nothing worried or concerned him; he treated pregnancy like a step in life, not like something that had to change everything.

After having two kids in less than two years in Germany, I thought I was done. I remember telling my husband, "If we're having more kids, it has to be in Germany." The matter-of-fact, not overly emotional way Germans dealt with problems made me feel comfortable with the healthcare.

But five years later, I was pregnant with child No. 3, who would be born in a small town in Arizona. I was worried about finding a provider who would listen to me and about having to drive hours away for a good experience. There were fewer options in Arizona, but now that I knew how pregnancy and delivery could be, I wanted it to be the same as in Germany.

The differences were drastic

In Germany, everything was done at my OB's office. Blood work and ultrasounds were done at every visit. During my second pregnancy, my doctor got a 3D ultrasound machine, so I was able to see my baby every few weeks.

In the US, I saw a midwife once a month but had to go elsewhere for everything else. The two ultrasounds I was permitted were done by a technician in a sterile, dark environment.


Since I was set on having a vaginal birth after a cesarean section, or VBAC, I also had to see an OB, who required additional tests. The German medical experts found a humane way to monitor my glucose levels. I had blood work and urine taken at each appointment, as opposed to the "drink more sugar than you do all week and see what it does to your body" approach that I experienced in the US.

Delivering in the US meant a lot of people attended my baby's birth

My first delivery lasted 12 hours, where a midwife was with me the entire time. My doctor was in and out, but the midwife delivered my firstborn, and she was the only medical person in the room. After my son was born, the doctor gave him to me and left us alone.

My second child was an unplanned C-section. The doctor spent 20 minutes trying to convince me that I needed this, even after we agreed. After they took the baby, they passed her through a window in the wall and went off to the neonatal intensive care unit. Even when things didn't go as planned, there was a calm in the room. It happened quickly and efficiently.

When my third child was born, this time in the US, I was in a room three times as big as the one I delivered my first child in, with at least 10 people. I was scorned for my birth plan, which was to have a VBAC. The OB strode into the room and reminded my husband that the goal was a healthy baby, before even talking to me.

My nurse was wonderful, the OB stood around doing nothing, and my midwife delivered the baby with no problems. We also had two paramedics observing the birth for training, a slew of nurses for the baby "just in case," and an anesthesiologist who didn't do the epidural correctly the first time. It was chaotic.


Maternity wards in Germany are what the US should aspire to

One of my favorite parts about having a baby in Germany was the maternity ward. It was calm, quiet, and loving. There was always food available, and we could visit with friends and family in our room or in the cafeteria. There was no rush to leave or pressure to stay. There were no electronic monitors or locked doors. It was peaceful.

In the US, we had to stay at least 24 hours. There had to be a follow-up appointment scheduled before we could leave. There were strict visiting hours, mealtimes were adhered to, and the babies wore ankle monitors. There was no resting, no calm.

I loved my American midwife, but if given the choice, I'd have a baby in Germany over the US every single time.

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