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I spent 12 weeks training for my first half-marathon. Here are 4 ways I set myself up for success, and 3 mistakes I made along the way.

  • In early October, I ran my first half-marathon after 12 weeks of training.
  • It was tough, but I learned a lot about what to do and what to avoid when preparing for a big race.

It's no secret: I wasn't exactly looking forward to my first half-marathon.

A week before the race in early October, I found out my best friend, who had signed up for the annual run in Oxford with me, needed to pull out due to work. The night before the race, I tossed and turned knowing that the challenge was no longer months or weeks ahead, but mere hours.

But on the morning of October 15, I joined more than 13,000 other people to run just over 13 miles. It was the first time I'd gone that distance. When I crossed the finish line, breathless and drenched in sweat, the reality sunk in — the race I'd spent 12 weeks training for was over. And I managed it in just over two hours, which was exactly what I'd been aiming for.

While I still think everyone should think twice before signing up for a long-distance race, I'm surprised to say I wouldn't rule out doing one again. That said, if I do, I'd keep in mind a few mistakes I made during training and the race itself as well as a couple of things I'm glad I did to set myself up for success.
