The 5 building blocks of engaged, high-performing teams


1. Purpose

1. Purpose

What is your team's shared purpose — your aspirations, goals, and reason to exist (hint: It's not only about the numbers)? Align around something that makes everyone's jobs feel meaningful and inspires them to come to work in the morning.


2. Identity

2. Identity

What are your shared values and mindsets, what kind of behaviors would you all like to see, and what kind of actions support your purpose? What makes your team unique? How do you all belong together?


3. Trust

3. Trust

Does everyone feel they can show up as themselves at work, do they trust each other, do they feel trusted? If something happens, will you have each others' backs? What does psychological safety look like, and how can you create such an environment together?

4. Growth mindsets

4. Growth mindsets

How do you respond to challenges? Are you looking for problems or solutions? Do you aspire to grow or prefer to stay the same? How do you react to change? Discuss the power of mindsets and how they can be learned, practiced, and possibly changed.


5. Passion and joy

5. Passion and joy

What do you enjoy the most, and what makes people's eyes shine? What unleashes the team's collective energy? How can you inspire and support each other to create the kind of environment that people look forward to coming to in the morning?

The ROI for doing this kind of work is staggering: Highly engaged teams are 57% more effective, have employees that are 87% less likely to leave, and have 2.3 times higher revenue growth than less engaged teams.

Investing in people and culture always pays off, whether it's about making incremental changes or doing a full-blown culture change.

Moving toward a more humanistic and "utopia-like" culture is not only good for people, but for business and for long term profitability; it will ultimately make the corporate world a happier place, too.

And that, I believe we all can agree on, is desperately needed.