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Somebody has hacked a drone to shoot a handgun

Jul 16, 2015, 21:35 IST


As if there wasn't enough controversy surrounding drones, someone has attached what appears to be a handgun to the machine. 

Last week, a YouTube user called Hogwit posted the video, which shows the consumer-like drone flying in a wooded area with a gun strapped to it. The gun shoots four shots, pushing the drone back each time a shot is fired.  

Hogwit describes the device as a "homemade multiroto with a semiautomatic handgun mounted on it."

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There's no question that if this is real it is very dangerous and definetley illegal.

But it's also something that is extremely easy to do. Afterall, consumers can purchase both drones and guns and it doesn't take that much skill to attach the two. 


And as the Verge points out, Hogwit wasn't the first person to think of this. 

Back in 2013 a quadrotor was mounted with a machine gun and filmed shooting various objects.

With consumer drones becoming more popular in the US, let's hope this isn't something that becomes a trend. 

NOW WATCH: Someone made a love letter to NYC using marvelous drone footage

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