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Southern Africa may soon be the most dangerous place to drive in the world - here's why

Dec 19, 2015, 18:39 IST

Deaths and injuries from car accidents have declined worldwide over the past two decades.


Sub-Saharan Africa, however, is an unfortunate exception.

Road injuries increased 13% from 1990 to 2013 in west sub-Saharan Africa. The south, however, saw a staggering 35% increase during the same period.

Local traffic police clear a twenty seven car pile-up on one of Johannesburg's key highways June 19. The accident was caused by a large truck which ploughed into 27 cars in its path when its brakes apparently failed. There were no fatalities in the accident but rescue workers were attending to scores of injured after using the jaws of life to free trapped passengers.REUTERS

These numbers are from the most recent update to the Global Burden of Disease and Injury study, which was published in the journal Injury Prevention on December 3.

So what's causing the uptick in Africa?


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