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'Why is Apple Music not playing?': 4 ways to fix your Apple Music app if it won't play music

  • If Apple Music isn't playing on your iPhone or iPad, try shutting down the app and opening it again, or restart your device.
  • If all but a single song or two will play, delete it from your Apple Music library and re-download it to get a clean file.
  • In some cases, you may need to reset your device's network settings, or sign out and then back into your Apple ID account.

Are you about to start a jog, but can't get your psyche-up song to play? Or are you trying to pump up the jams at a house party, only to have Apple Music go silent?

Don't worry — you're not alone. Apple Music is a well-made app, but it's not uncommon to run into errors where the app simply won't play any music.

Check out the products mentioned in this article:iPhone 11 (From $699.99 at Apple)iPad (From $329.99 at Apple)