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A 7-year-old was taken to the hospital after swallowing an AirPod

Jan 3, 2020, 03:54 IST
Kiara Stroud / Facebook
  • An Atlanta mom said in a Facebook post that her 7-year-old had to go to the hospital after swallowing an Apple AirPod earbud.
  • The child had been given the AirPods for Christmas and accidentally swallowed one, prompting a visit to the hospital.
  • An X-Ray taken at the hospital showed the AirPod in his stomach.
  • "No more AirPods for this kid," she wrote.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Kiara Stroud had to make an unexpected visit to the emergency room after her 7-year-old son accidentally swallowed an AirPod, she said in a Facebook post Saturday.

Stroud's son was healthy and doing well by Thursday, she told Business Insider, but added that the AirPod "hasn't passed through yet." In a follow-up post on Facebook, she said her son had been released from the hospital.

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The Atlanta mom had gifted her son the pair of AirPods as a Christmas gift. He was holding one in his mouth when he accidentally choked on it and swallowed it.

"Today was one of the days we'll look back on, thank God that everything was okay, and laugh at when he's older," she wrote in a follow-up Facebook post.


Stroud's son isn't the first to accidentally swallow an AirPod. In May, a man in Taiwan said he accidentally ingested an AirPod while sleeping, and later found that it was still working when he recovered it.

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